Obstacle Trainer Course | altamis
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The Altamis Obstacle Trainer Course provides you with the most in-depth study of obstacles, obstacle-clearing techniques, and how to coach your students on the subject optimally.

This course covers theory & practical lessons, Methods of Instruction, and theory & practical tests.

Upon successful completion of the course, you will receive a certificate as well as access to conduct lessons or training sessions at KA13, our training facility.


Synopsis for Level 1 Course

Duration - 22 hours (6 x half-days)

Venue - KA13 and Central & Southeastern Singapore

Subjects - Wall Climb, Rope Climb, Gorilla Bars, MultiRig Levels 1 & 2, Rope Traverse, Low Rig, Ukemi (not tested).

Cost - SGD$900



- Pass a Physical Fitness Test (Standing Broad-Jump 120cm, 500m Run, 3 Pullups, 8 Hanging Crunches, all within 5min)

- Proficient understanding and use of English language

- Full attendance

- Score 80% or more on all tests 



Do I need to possess other training certificates to attend this course?

No, you don't. You are eligible as long as you meet the requirements stated above.

What are the benefits of attending this course?

As a certified Altamis Obstacle Trainer, you are recognized as proficient in the field of obstacle training, grounded on the sciences of obstacles.

Additionally, you will also be qualified to conduct your own sessions or train your own clients at KA13, similar to arrangements between freelance coaches and gyms. Non-certified coaches do not enjoy such access.

Will I get to retake the tests if I were to fail?

Yes. You are entitled to 2 further and separate attempts to retake the tests.

How long will the certificate be valid for?

It will be valid for 1 year from the date of issuance, afterwhich you will undergo a refresher course before a renewal certificate is issued.

How much will the refresher course cost?

It will  cost SGD$120.

When will Level 2 Course be conducted?

Level 2 Course will be announced soon.

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